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48 May 19, 1896. Measure of New Var. in [[strikethrough]] Carinae [[/strikethrough]] Centaurus (Cont.) Plate B 5061 [[strikethrough]] 11.76 [[/strikethrough]] 11.85 l4v [[strikethrough]] 12.16 12.11 12.01=12.09 .07 .02 [[underlined]] .08 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]12.25 12.20 12.15= 12.20/30 .05 .00 [[underlined]].05 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 12.11 [[/strikethrough]] 12.20 v0m [[strikethrough]] 12.11 [[/strikethrough]] 12.20 [[strikethrough]] 12.01/6 [[/strikethrough]] 12.15 v5m [[strikethrough]] 12.51/6 [[/strikethrough]] 12.65 Plate B 10807 [[strikethrough]] 10.72 [[/strikethrough]] 10.81 g2v [[strikethrough]] 10.92 10.84=10.88 [[/strikethrough]]11.01 10.93=10.97 .04 [[underlined]] .04 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 10.84 [[/strikethrough]] 10.93 v2h [[strikethrough]] 11.04 [[/strikethrough]] 11.13 Plate B 11087 [[strikethrough]] 11.04 [[/strikethrough]]11.13 h=2 11.33 v N.S. [[strikethrough]] <11.24 [[/strikethrough]] 11.33 Plate B 9472 [[strikethrough]] 11.76 [[/strikethrough]] 11.85 l1v [[strikethrough]] 11.86 11.81=11.84 .02 [[underlined]] .03 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] 11.95 11.90=11.92 03 [[underlined]]02[[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 11.81 [[/strikethrough]] 11.90 v3m [[strikethrough]] 12.11 [[/strikethrough]] 12.20 Plate B 9098 Sp. [[strikethrough]] 9.24/5 [[/strikethrough]] 9.34 c1v [[strikethrough]] 9.34/5 9.39/7=9.38/6 [[/strikethrough]]9.44 9.46=9.45 = [[underlined]] .01 [[/underlined]] .01 [[strikethrough]] 9.39/7 [[/strikethrough]]9.46 v3d [[strikethrough]] 9.69/7 [[/strikethrough]] 9.76 Plate B 15083 [[strikethrough]] 10.72 [[/strikethrough]]10.81 g3v [[strikethrough]] 11.02 10.84=10.93 [[/strikethrough]]11.11 10.93 11.02 .09 [[underlined]] .09 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 10.84 [[/strikethrough]] 10.93 v2h [[strikethrough]] 11.04 [[/strikethrough]] 11.13 Plate B 5219 [[strikethrough]] 11.04 [[/strikethrough]] 11.13 h=.1 v N.S. [[strikethrough]] <11.14 [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] 11.23 [[/underline]]