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Mar. 11, 1897

Measure of new var. in
√ B 13751
11.26 l=2 <11.46?

√ B 9647
8.84 d4v 9.24 9.29 9.37=9.30 [[underlined]]0.6 .01[[/underlined]] .07
v0e  9.29
v3f  9.67

√ B 13471 Sp.
[[strikethrough]]9.29[[/strikethrough]] 9.29 l = 3 <9.59
v N.S

√ B 9649
8.84 d3v  9.14 9.19=9.16 [[underlined]].02[[/underlined]] .03
v1e  9.29

√ B 11417
10.88 k1v  10.98 [[strikethrough]] 10.[[/strikethrough]] 10.96=10.97 .01 [[underlined]] .01 [[/underlined]]
v3l  11.26

√ B 12134
11.26 l = .4 <11.66
v N.S.

√ B 16365
Too near edge of plate.
Variable not seen.

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System