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1984-RR-198 cont.
LOGGER: Chris Artis//Ilse Akuberg
REEL NUMBER: #1-2 of 8   STAGE: Philly Main (Revue)
DATE: 7/6/84   PRESENTOR: 
GROUP NAME: Disco Kings and Queens

PERFORMER(S) [[Barbara Gilford, "Pineapple", GQ dancer
Michael Gilford, GQ dancer/drummer
Desirie Thomas, GQ dancer 
Ellison Thomas, GQ dancer/drummer
Richie Thomas, GQ dancer/drummer]

Reel #2 Philly Main
Blues (Revue)
Washboard slim and Archie Edwards


1. Song
2. Baby please give me a break
3. "Lovin' spoonful"

4. Willy "Ashcan" Jones [Willie J. Jones, "Ashcan", comic, b. 1910]
5. Black comedian
6. Willy gets thrown out of his house by wife

7. Philadelphia top dancers
8. Germaine Ingram - tap [Germaine Ingram, tap dancer ]
9. Sandra Janoff - tap
10. La Vaughn Ronbinson - tap/leader
11. 1) La Vaughn
12. 2) La Vaughn w/Sandy
13. 3) La Vaughn w/ Germaine
    4) La Vaughn w/ Germaine + Sandy
    5) dance
    6) Finale