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1984-RR-235 cont. 


REEL NUMBER: [[strikethrough]]2/[[/strikethrough]] 2 & 3/ of 3  STAGE: WORKSHOP STAGE
DATE: 6/30/84  PRESENTOR: Glenn Hinson
REGION/STYLE: Black Expressive Culture From Philadelphia

[[2 column table]]
|Grand Wizard Sly (Scanner Boy's DJ): Nathaniel J. McCray| |
|The Grand Masters of Funk: [[strikethrough]] [[(?)]] [[/strikethrough]]
 Parry P. (rapper) : Parris Ellis
 Money man (rapper) : Arnold Watts
 Cosmic Kev (DJ) : Kevin Owens | |

1. Introductory remarks - Glenn Hinson
2. Explanation & history of rapping - Glenn Hinson
3. Example of rapping - Parry
4. Message rap - explanation & example - Parry
5. More rapping - Parry
6. Explanation of slow rap & example - Money Man (beat noises by Parry)
7. Voice types & examples - Parry
8. Questions from audience
9. Explanation of [[strikethrough]] DJ [[?]] scratching [[/strikethrough]] turntable wizards - Glenn Hinson
10. Equipment used - KEV
11. Mixology [[strikethrough]]of scratching[[/strikethrough]] explanation - Grand Wizard Sly
12. Example of 2-turntable Mixology - KEV (explanation by Glenn Hinson)
13. Speed mixing - explanation & example - KEV
14. Explanation of scratching - Glenn Hinson
15. Example of scratching: vocal - Parry turntable - KEV)
16. [[strikethrough]]Questions from audience[[/strikethrough]]
Blending examples - Grand Wizard Sly & KEV
17. Origin of street names - KEV, Parry , Grand Wizard Sly
18. Questions from audience