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[[Left page]]
3) Dr. Henry Hughes 2nd Mate his Acct
[[table 2 columns]]
| To Cash advanced in Liverpool  | £12.~.~ |
| To [[?]] for £6 - [[?]]        |         | 
| To hospital ---------------    |    -3.4 |
| To [[Ex?]]on 6.14.8 - [[?]]    | [strikethrough]2.1.[strikethrough] |
|                                |  2.13.1 |
|[[strikethrough]]In the Owners debt[[strikethrough]]| |
|                Ballance ---    |  3.7.7  |
|                               £| 18.4-   |
[[end table]]

[[Right page]]
[[?]] with [[?]] of the Bark Fox [[?]] (3

[[table 2 columns]]
|By Wages from the 8th March 1774} |      |
|to the 17 June 1774 3 Mo 9 days}  |13.4.0|
|By Sam Rowe for [[?]]---          | 5 ---|
|                                £ |18.4- |
[[end table]]

[[?]] the 14 June 1775 from Wm. Davenport [[?]]
owner of the Fox Three Pounds seven shillings &
7 in full the above wages by virtue of a Will &
administration -- [[?]] Andrew Harold
James [[Finlaw?]]

Transcription Notes:
I tried to make the columns line up to see the math more easily. £12.~.~ = 12 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence -3.4 = 0 pounds, 3 shillings, 4 pence 18.4- = 18 pounds, 4 shillings, 0 pence so the math adds up correctly 1 pound = 20 shillings; 1 shilling = 12 pence The notation they use to write the values is pounds.shillings.pence