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[[left page]]
4) Dr. Sam [[Rowe?]] 3rd Mate his [[Acct/Lord?]]:

[[table three columns]]
1772 May 19 | To Cash advanced in Liverpool |? 
            | To 2 Gallons of Rum.          |12
            | [[?]] £3.8.3                  |
Dec 12      | [[?]] you this day v.4.19     |12"10 ~

Dominica 12th December [[?]] one [[?]] 

[[table five columns]]
To Cash                     |✓|7"|0" |0
To 15 Gallons of rum & Cash |✓|1"|17"|9
To [[?]] of Mr. Hughes      | |5 |   |
To hospital                 | |  |12 |
Ball                        | |4.|3. |3

[[right page]]
[[Cur'd?]] with Own' of the Bark. Fox [[?]]

[[table four columns]]

1772 Dec 12| [[By?]] 3 mo. wages         |12.|10.
1774 Nov   | Record from Capt Robert-
mitchell the sum of [[?]] [[?]] forward 
agreeable to the above [[?]] Sam L. Rowe 
By 6 months & 14 days wages [[?]]        |14.|11
By 8 mo & [[?]] days Wages 10th of Month |
Advance from the time of Mr. Hughes death|4. |2

Receivd the 6th March 1775 from Mr. Davenport four pounds [[three?]] shillings [[3p?]] in full [[?]] my Wages in the fox

4.3.3 [[?]] Samuel Rowe