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that hagins brings before march coart to the lower part of this stat i think they can be sold quick any where in this state now for i tell you every thing is up high here much higher than when you left if you have bought right i say to you that we will do a fine biusnep this trip I recieved a letter from the W. Higgins and they say that Becca and her child Ben is not smart and that they wanted us to take them back or auther [[us?]] them to sell them and if there should be alop for us to barit and if not they would sue us in le half of tho state for importing of them in the state and upon due reflection an consultation with my friends in lexington i wrote to them to sell them for the best price they could get but at the same time i wrote them that i believed them to be sound in body and mind now sir whom they subject of mony i will know by day after to morrow what amount of money i will be able to send you and i will send it fourth with in a check to you this leaves us all will [[joice?]] family is in fine health and getting a long very will your in hart G Saunders Samuel M. Fox

Giles Saunders 10

S M Fox
Jan 1847