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unusually large cone of logs with a long log projecting over all marks the spot where a shaman had himself burned alive a year ago last summer.
Our natives said that many shamans had themselves burned to ashes (alive) and then returned alive and unharmed, even their clothes were not injured but this one made some mistake about the wood or something else and after he was burned he came back to his original form clothes and all but there was a small burn on his shoulder and he never became alive so the body rested on its funeral pile and they erected the above named shelter over it.
About 4.30 PM a driving snow storm set in and turning from the coast at 6.30 PM
We crossed a short portage and striking the coast again passed on old village and about a mile beyond reaching the above named place
Consisting of 8 houses and about 25 to 30 people several [[Kavianagmuts?]] and King Is. men with the usual coast natives here.
The Coast is low and flat back some distance to the low hills. Upon these hills and even along the beach the ago [[/strikethrough]] marmots are abundant and small sticks 3 or 4 ft. long of willow or alder were seen all along the shore me [[strikethrough]] each being an old marmot trap which is set as follows [[fish hook image]] in the runways.
At the village we found fish so very scarce so our