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man caution not to disturb bear or he would be torn to pieces - R- [[raven]] also created the various kinds of seal and taking man cautiously to the water edge pointed them out and giving their names explained their habits & how they could be best killed. He also told man to take the seal's skin & showed him how to make strong rawhide line from which he showed how to set snares for reindeer when the latter are plentiful but told man to wait until the deer became [[strikethrough]] more [[/strikethrough]] common. 

The woman now became with child again
(to be continued)

Sun. Dec. 26 Anvik
Temp. 10° am to 8°. eve Faint Aurora Eve

/Raven Legend Continued\

The R. told the pair that their new child would be a girl & that they must rub her over with clay as had been done with the boy - and directed that the girl was to be made wife of boy. R. now left and went to the place where the first man had been found. While he was gone the girl was born & at once they followed R's directions & the next day the girl was walking and in two or three days she was a woman & became the wife of the young man for the R. had thus directed so that the people should multiply rapidly. When the R. came to the pea vine

Transcription Notes:
need to read the start of the story for the pea vine to make sense.