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eyes along the black bar. On our way up and back we saw many of the common white Ptarmigan.

Several small spiders were seen running about on the patches of snow during the day-

May 14th

A lot of geese, (Gambel's Hutchins and leucopareia,) with two Cranes came in today. I secured a crane No. 1923 which measured L. 36 in. Sp. of W. 68½ in. Iris orange yellow. Bald part of crown dark crimson or blood red, with a change to yellowish mottling about eyes.

May 15th

Charadnus virginianus and Numenius borealis first seen yesterday and today.

Tringa semipalmata has arrived sparingly. Anas acuta common.

Also Xema, Larus brachyrhynchus, Anas boschas, Anas  carolinensis have been obtained or seen more or less common.

Long-tailed jaeger also seen.

The past 7 or 8 days has been beautiful weather.


Passerella iliaca is here also Spizella monticola and [[?]] lapponicus.

The warm sun of yesterday and today has formed water pools in many places and the ice is beginning to look black or rather dark in a kind of clouded appearance characteristic of the ice after the warm weather of spring sets in. The prevailing north wind for the past 100 days has brought in all 

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