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then he points [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] out a tent in the hill town and said it was his. I steered in toward it and as we came to the low sandy beach a crowd of about two hundred men women & children came rushing down & seized the boat & helped draw it upon the sand free of the light surf running in.

I then took out the camera and secured a couple of views and taking a short look around at the town had just prepared to trade when the wind freshened so much that the rapidly increasing surf made me hurry off to the vessel for fear I might be caught in shore in a gale & forced to stop there overnight - no very pleasant operation for one who knows the character of these people as well as I do. As we were just off shore we saw a Bowhead Whale spouting on his feeding ground a mile beyond us and 3 Swans passed toward Port Clarence. Getting on board scarcely a half hour had passed when a dense fog which had steered the Diomedes all the afternoon came sweeping over and enshrouded us so it was fortunate I did not wait ashore. When I came on board the vessel there were some 8 or 10 Umiaks alongside most of which were the same which I had seen coming from toward the Diomedes when I went on shore. I now learned that