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these boats [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] were the annual trading boats from East Cape on their way to this place and even across Kotzbue [[Kotzebue]] Sd to Cape Blossom with tame Reindeer skins to trade for furs with the American Natives- Some of the men in these boats are from Cape Jakan [[Naukan]] on the North Coast of Siberia and they started in early May with dog-sleds taking their boat in pieces on the sleds and when they are met by open water at the opening of summer they put the boat together and change the mode of travelling. The return occupies till in early winter and then comes a winter visit to the trading fair at Ghighiga near the Anadyr River, to trade the furs he gets in Alaska for Russian goods. One of these Cape Jakan [[Naukan]] men recognized Mr. Reynolds having seen him at Jafskan while Reynolds was there [[strike through]]of[[/strike through]] on the coast party already mentioned. Before I had time to see these Asiatics- they hurried off in their [[strikethrough]] cano [[/strikethrough]] umiak as the Culter got under way. Those who remained on board while I was on shore describe these Chukchees as being tall muscular well built gallons- Their true or native language is totally unlike Eskimo- We rounded the Cape in a fog and stood for Kotzbue Sound