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[[?]] pleasant + vary warm weather all day.
dove and paddled away as rapidly as possible and as my shot was exhausted we could get none.
As we neared the mouth of the [[?]] a flock with hundreds of [[?]] [[?]] arose ahead of us + circles [[?]] + lightly astem - the whole flock contained [[?]] - one of which I shot in the morning.
About 7.45pm. we got on  board no natures were [[?]] today by any one 
July 15th
Early in the morning the [[?]] got [[?]] way and we stood up the coast for Cape Blossom. Misty + hard rain at intervals allday - the coast mainly [[?]]. About 4PM - we were close under the Cape but in place of the hundreds of natives we expected to find congragation here only a [[?]] tent was seen last year at this season [[?]] he found some 1200 natives Eskimo here Capt. H. Proj M. + [[?]] landed in the surf boat at this tend and formed a poor miserable family engaged in catching [[?]][[?]]the ordinary Hyco and the Riofish - upon the beach lay a pile of founders of the rough [[?]] species with the black and yellowish fins so common at St. M-  The fishing is done diffanitty [[?]] from what I have seen elsewhere.  The netis some 12 or 15 yds. long and with floats and [[?]] as usual but the [[?]] is made fast to some stationary object on shore and then the stone anchor for outing end is pushed off shore and out the length of the