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sides [[strikethrough]] of th [[/strikethrough]] as well as on the SW. End on both of which the birds were abundant
Nearly everybody made a wild scramble from the ship to shore at first and then seeing the abruptly rising front presented they retired.  A very steep snow bank partly covered with dirt in a narrow ravine rising almost abruptly for 150 ft presented the most accessible point but the skin boat had to be brought from the vessel to ferry us over to the foot.  With [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a hatchet notches were made in the face of the snow bank and we reached its top where we were much pleased to find rather steep but very easily ascended incline 
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leading thence in the form of a creek bed through a canyon up to the top of the Island.  I came up alone after the rest had passed & my attention was suddenly called to a queer wheezy bark (something like that produced by a toy dog) from the right side of the Canyon which presented a sharp slope of loose blocks of granite- A careful survey with my glasses revealed the form of a young white fox about half grown which sat upon the very edge of a [[beething?]] stone with his ears turned forward & staring down like an owl above and uttering its wheezy bark at short intervals.  I climbed up & was within 15 or 20 yds when it retreated and every time I would sit down to rest this
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