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combined made the outlook wretchedly uncomfortable. 

September 3d.
The wind easterly and very light all day. The old swell still running from the north but falling continually The temperature milder than before and were it not for the fog which kept the sun hidden it would be very pleasant.

Just before eight P.M. we let out the kedge & came to anchor to wait for the fog which held all day to let up. Found a current of 3/4 of a knot setting to the NW. A number of Rodgers Fulmars and one Knob billed Auk seen during the day. We are probably lying in the vicinity of Pt. Hope.

September 4th

Laid too in the fog until noon when we got under way & steamed slowly to the SE. by E.— Some Arctic terns and common gulls glaucus & kotzebue were also about about noon. 

The fog kept on all day raising & falling & shut in so dense in the eve that we came to anchor at 8 PM for the night.

September 5th

Got under way at 5 am, and kept along on our course toward the head of Kotzebue Sd. Misty showers from the NW. A solitary Redpoll Linnet strayed off in the fog & came aboard early this morning for a time and then departed. On the night of the 2d & 3d the water was full 

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