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Sept. 8th Spent day on Elephant Pt

Sept 9th

the tents and hung full of drying fish - which latter consists of dog Salmon and the rich flesh makes a bright patch of color at a [[strikethrough]] shor [[/strikethrough]] distance adding greatly to the appearance of the village I secured photo's of the camp - which will serve better than a description. The natives were a good natured lot but had very little to sell a few tame & wild deer skins being all- They told me that they had bought plenty of rifle cartridges from the C. Pr. of Wales people who were here some time ago- There were several clay pots about the camp one of which I bought - Several about the size of a pint mug & two holding 3 to [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] gallons were seen. These latter were shaped & marked as follows - [[image]] I tried to buy a kyak but there was no very good one & the owners wished to make such a job of the matter that I did not get one.

The Capt. bought some ducks including Anas acuta, A. americana & a green-winged teal. The natives here set their salmon nets by pushing out a long pole with the outer end of the gill net hooked over the end and then withdrawing the pole. 

Near the houses their dogs were staked out & there were many fat contented looking little children toddling about. After a short time we returned on board & started for the head of Kotzbue Sd. The weather & water became very warm as we advanced and the