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this strange apparition.

The Doctor turned interrogatively to his companion to find the cause of this strange sound. The latter repudiated the assertion and the repetition of the noise by the Puffin revealed its origin.

Not a single young one was seen — There were thousands of Mormon arctica & I only saw one Cirrhata. While on the cliff I saw a Puffin bring in 4 sticklebacks at a time, all held crosswise in her beak. The young of Larus Kotzbuci (the only other bird on the island) all occupied nests more or less rudely formed of pieces of moss, grass & seaweed placed like a thin saucer shaped mat on the shelves & craggy niches. I secured a fine photographic view of this part of the rock.

Leaving here we crossed the narrow strait to Chamisso Is. A reef connects the two Is. 3 to 4 ft underwater & produces a tide rip in which we saw 3 nerpas (Hair Seal) which raised their heads well out of the water several times close by us and after a deliberate look sank back out of sight.

A number of Old Squaw ducks and Ordemia perspicillata & Cle. americana were seen here. We soon landed on a fine white sand beach on the western end of Chamisso Is. and climbing its side we made our way back to the signal posts erected on its southern side by the English and Russians marking the position of the astronomical station.

Transcription Notes:
. Cirrhata refers to crested puffins