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St. Michaels Sept. 15th
Fine pleasant weather all day clear cold blue sky and a light North Easterly wind - At daylight we were leaving Sledge Is. astern and at 9 PM on we came to anchor off St. M- When off Stewart Island 25 to 30 miles I saw a number of flocks of Somateria fischeri and of these only one [[female symbol]] with her brood was seen. The others were males in fall plumage which is much darker than the breeding plumage. At 9 PM, we came to anchor between Egg and Whale Islands. A faint auroral arch with pale straw yellow curtains was seen in the north. Soon after our arrival-

St. M- Sept. 16th
Got up anchor & went in closer to the Fort early in the morning & I went on shore - Found everyone well and in addition to the usual inhabitants were the people from the schooner we had seen prospecting in Golovnin Bay last July when we went north - A gale cast the schooner ashore the last of August [   ] and they have just reached here after a long, rough trip around the sound. I passed the day in getting my possessions still on shore into boxes & ready for our departure tomorrow.