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Again we got under way as they told us it was becoming rougher continually and we could not spare the time to wait for fair weather. At about 7 P.M. (just at dark) we passed St George and headed away for Unalaska. A fine breeze on our [[lea?]] sent us along at 10 knots all the evening with curving fire capped waves dashing from our sides and sparkling away toward the horizon.

Sept. 22d Unalaska 
Made 8 to 10 knots per hour all day and at about midday began to get glimpses of the rugged fronts of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Akoutan & Unalaska Is and about 2 PM we opened up the mouth of Unalaska Harbor. [[strikethough]] were [[strikethrough]] When we drew in the head we saw numerous small whales spouting puffs of spray 15 or 20 feet into the air every few moments & looking at a distance like a rounded column of steam 

The Priest

Forming an irregular belt right across the mouth of the harbor there were thousands of young [[Rodger?]] Fulman in the black plumage - they were so young & fat that they were frequently unable to raise from the water - [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] nearly all were compelled to skurry along the surface before taking flight Others tried to rise and after

Transcription Notes:
[[image: sketch of whales spouting]]