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In the afternoon the ACCO str. St. Paul came in from San Francisco with lumber & coal and we rec'd late mail from home. The Corwin hauled off to the buoy & so we are afloat again and have to get off or on by boat.

Tues. Sept. 27th
Fine pleasant weather. I went on shore in the AM [[strikethrough]] and second photo, of the town. [[/strikethrough]] Warm and pleasant. In the afternoon King Agent W.F.T.Co. sent a fine specimen of a large fish on board. The fish measured 5 ft. 2 in, in length - It posessed an enormous dorsal fin as the photograph I took of it will show - King says he gave a specimen of this fish to Dr. Beau for the Smithsonian last summer - He gave this spec. to Prof. Muir who kept it for the California Academy of Sciences. 
The Fish was without trace of scales but was covered with a layer of translucent jelly like tissue through which showed the delicately clouded shades of gold and purple along its sides. From midway on its side extending back to tail along the median line ran a strongly carnate ridge half to 3/4 of an inch high - Planted in the roof of mouth in the vomer(?) & reaching in [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] an encurved direction down & back were two thin sharp edged teeth an inch long. The fish was of a dull dark olive brownish or blackish except on sides & abdomen

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