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Dealers In

Woodville, Miss., January 22d 1868
H.F. Simvall Esq.

Dear Sir.
As you are now in Vicksburg we would like you to go to Genl Gillems office and attend to the following case for us which has been sent to Genl G for his action thereon.
Several freedmen contracted with S. H. Stockett to work during the year 1867 for 1/3 of the entire crop said Stockett to furnish pork & meal free of charge. He has complied with his contract and they owe him nothing in supplies furnished, but Messrs Jerey & Starns now come in and wish to take said freedmen cotton, saying that they and not Stockett had furnished the place, under general order No 24 from headqrs.
All the papers have been sent forward for the second time Jerey & Sterns not being satisfied with the first endorsement thereon.
Please see to this at once and have them sent forward immediately or bring them with you
Very Respy yours &c
D & J Cohen