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instructions - I have solicited the aid of the Bureau Department at this place, but have met with opposition from the beginning - He claiming all authority & I claiming the right to act - Only that he should see the Freedmen fairly settled with -

The crop is now disposed of & in round numbers amounts to about $4700 - The expenses of the place since the interferance by the Bureau has been paid by me amounting to about $1492 - The Freedmen have received in advances to the full amount of the crop. In this advance are orders drawn by them on Maj Smith & myself amounting to about $1000 - There are in Mobile funds sufficient to pay these orders - which has been stoped in the hands of Messrs Buck & Fuller Commission Merchants by order of Maj Smith - I have proposed to him to pay the orders against us from his relinquishment of this order - which he refuses to do - This will close the matter up - In this settlement the Freedmen get all they have made & have a balance against Hendrix & Dobbin of over four thousand dollars -

A cordial & confident support of the Bureau Agent in this matter would have aided me very much in satisfying the Freedmen they being much more disposed to believe & trust him than myself. 

But I am sorry to say that Maj Smith has been anything but pleasant in the matter -