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H. 100 Vol 13. R.F. & .A.L. 1868

Jackson Miss.
July 6. 1868
R. 135 Bu. R.F. &c Miss 1868

Holt J.B.
Agent Bu. R.F. & A.L. 

Enclosed communication of W.H. Gibbs Chairs of Committee of five (setting forth that the Colored people are being turned off by scores without settlement for wages due them, because they have voted the Republican Ticket. and asking assistance for them) Endorses the statement himself, but says these charges are difficult to prove.

(one enclosure)

[[stamp]] Freedman's Bureau State of Miss Received JUL 21 1868 [[/stamp]]

Rec [[?]] Bureau. July 10. 1868

War Department
Bureau of Refugees etc
Washington D.C. July 13th 68

Respectfully referred to the Asst Comis of Mississippi
By order of 
Maj Gen Howard
E. Whittlesey
A.A.A. Genl

Bureau Refugee Freedmen &c.
Office Asst. Comr. for Miss. 
Vicksburg July 21" 1868

Respectfully referred to Mr. J. B. Holt Agent Jackson, Miss, who will explain his Conduct in Corresponding officially with the Commissioner at Washington D.C. directly in violation of existing orders, negotiations, and the Custom of the service, Par. 451 Req. of the Army will in future (fortunes) be strictly observed. Any deviation therefrom will receive the immediate attention of the Asst. Commissioner

By order of Bt. Maj. Genl. A.C. Gillem
Asst. Commissioner
AC. Gillem [[?]]
Capt. 24" Inf Bt. Maj. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl.

[[left margin]] E. & the
541. [[/left margin]]