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and seen to now. At this very time Shipp Bourges & Co. claims this privilege & right to recive the batten & ship it—and prior to the ordering of the Court of Arbitration by Capt Tidball - their squad of hands of Justice Thomas Gibson were freeman and other squads in their places had already shipped to unknown merchants at New Orleans, more than half of their share of the Cotton, and had received proceeds thereof. The remaining portion of their shares was awarded by the Board of Arbitration to Shipp Bourges & Co—as they (Shipp B&Co) had supplied Carter their Aorm --
who furnish Gibson and his squad. The action of the Board in passing upon these facts, was governed by instructions from Capt Tidball in accordance with your construction given to order No-. (not now remembered whether 22 or 24) kindly given me by Lieut Barber A.A.G—.
In view of these facts as Ship Brough & Co. have already acted in compliance and in uniformity with military order and in view of the fact that the issue raised have, is already " as adjudicated" and moreover an exhibit "B" filed by Tho Gibson in this matter, purporting to see a statement by R.G. Carter is a forgery, not bearing the true signature of R.H. Carter an not having been signed by him and as no inventory exists between said firm and Gibson the undersigned respectfully protests against the payment of any amount of money to Thomas Gibson in as much