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Transcription: [00:32:27]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Let's switch from one side to the other here, and let me ask a slide question about the use of 2 turntables.
A lot of times when you see a DJ working with double turntables and you
look at what's on the 2 turntables, you realize that he's got the same record on each.
He's got 2 copies of the same disc, so that that record is on each turnable, and
he's moving from turntable to turntable. Now, he's not waiting,
as DJs with radio stations used to do and still for the most part do,
running a record through, waiting until that record ends, and then as it ends,
segue-ing, lowering the volume on that one and increasing the volume on the other turntable.
It's not that at all, that's too easy, that's not an artistic form, that's simply
a very basic skill to be able to blend from 1 record, let it play all the way through,
then let it blend into another and as you start that one at the beginning.
Rather, when you've got 2 records of the same sort, of the same record,
actually, the same song, the same piece recorded by the same artist,
on those turntables, you move back and forth from one turntable to the other,
using a piece of that song. Now, why is it that you would use the same record on each slide?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
The reason for the same copy, the same copy of 2 records on each turntable is because
sometimes when you buy a record only might have about 5 seconds in the record worth listening to, so
with the 2 turntables you'll be able to move back and forth, keeping that same piece of the music going
and never missing a beat. And Cosmic Kev [[??]] is gonna give ya'll an example.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
So what you're doing here, then, is you've got a short sequence of music,
you're moving from 1 turntable, playing that sequence,
then lowering the volume on that mixer, lowering the volume on that record on the mixer,
while you increase the volume on the other mixer
to come up with that same piece that you just played on the first record.
You've got the other turntable ready to go,
and you're moving back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, creating an endless rhythm.
The artistry, of course, comes in creating that rhythm so that the dancing audience
never knows when you've moved from one to the other,
and so that nobody is ever put off beat. So you're moving turntable to turntable, record to record,
but you're never allowing yourself to miss a beat.