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Transcription: [00:03:03]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Did you hear any similarities? If so, raise your hand and fire a question on me. Yes ma'am, right there in the purple.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Oh, you heard the basses are operating the same way. Did you notice the jaws? Oh pop, pop a little for 'em there Al, let 'em hear how that bass works, just by yourself.

{SPEAKER name="Al"}
{Singing} Bum, bum, bum, bum, {etc}.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Cut it! Alright! {Audience laughter} Now, brother Abraham pop a little bit for us, please sir. Brother Duke, sorry. {Audience laughter}. Brother Throah. MC'ing is hard work y'all

SPEAKER name="Henry Throah"}[Henry C. Thrower]
{Singing} Bum, bum, ba, dum, {etc}.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Alright! Now one of the characteristics of Afro-American music is having a variety of qualities of sound that you pull together in a single ensemble or in a single person. So what we have in both of these groups here, both of them have basses, then we have the other extreme, we have lead singers that can soar, so you'll have a tenor that will also sing falsetto. Everybody out there know what falsetto is? Sing a little fals-, who can hit a little falset-, Daryl, hit a little falsetto for 'em please sir.

{SPEAKER name="Daryl"}
{Singing} Why do birds fall down from the sky?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
{Daryl still singing} That's falsetto.

{SPEAKER name="Daryl"}
Every time - {laughter}


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Ah, you see? So we have the extreme registers. And then, the other quality or characteristic of Afro-American music is you take these extremes and you fill up all of the insides, and you want the middle parts to be very dense and thats why we have these other three gentlemen that fill in for us and you get what we call closed harmonies and you have that both in the gospel group and in the doo-wop group. Can I hear a little closed harmony?