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Transcription: [00:10:11]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
See what I mean?

Let 'em loose. See, y'all- see, y'all would work a performer to death.

Yeah, they, they have already been on stage several times today. And, see, it's my job to keep them from killing themselves, so I-

They can only give you little tastes. But gentlemen, would you tell, tell the audience, please? How is it- Have you always moved when you sang or what were your experiences in terms of audience expectations?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Um, no we didn't because, initially, starting out a group,

not using no pitchfork or anything to tune our voices, you got to know when to come in, on what key, what note. So, the concentration was mostly on studying, concentrating on that note, so any time you tried to get a little extra movement in the coordination, you find your note way over here somewhere, and somebody in the audience's face was saying, Huh?

[[distant laughter]] Where's he going? Is he with them? You know, so, so it took time. You know what I mean. Once you get the groove in, then you start developing other things and it just builds as you go.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Well, did people say anything to you? I mean, did they expect you all to move when you were singing in front of black audiences?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Yes, their faces and they would walk away.

[[distant laughter]] Oh!

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"} Ricardo shared with me that sometimes people would say when they first started out, "Well, gee! They sound great, but they're not dancing!"

So the group quickly figured out that if they were going to command the attention of an audience, they had to not only sound good, but they had to be able to move as well. Now, I'm going to show you how you have that same use of the body in a gospel quartet.

They may not dance from one end of this stage to the other, but you're going to see that their bodies as well are involved in performance, so they're going to give you a couple of licks now. The Sensation Cherubims.