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Transcription: [00:29:02]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Question up front.

{Background Noise}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Ok. The question was, does most our stepping routines have words? And yes they do. We like communicate verbally, and with our feets, and with the beats.
Just a simple example could be a step we do call the elbow. If you were to go over to the tent at 3:15, you would definitely see us do the elbow. We would
elbow some people. Elbow some more people.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Could you us at least a line or two here, I mean so she can hear what you are saying.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
A line or 2 of the elbow. Demonstration E-man. {laughter} E-man is shy today. Oh his his voice hurts. Common lets do the elbow. [Instruments and beats}. 3, 4, to all you, here come the elbow, here come the funky funky funky elbow.

{SPEAKER name=Speaker 3 and 4 singing together}

Elbow your mother, Elbow your father, elbow your sister, elbow your brother. Elbow the alfas, Elbow the HMMMMMM, {laughter} because we say something else. We're not the last if you don't like us, then kiss our HMMMMMMM. You wannna pledge, here's what you do, just a letter to GRU FYED GRU...HUH.Then you go back into it.