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Transcription: [00:34:41]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Ok. Any more questions? What? Hot dogs?

{SPEAKER name="From Audience"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Notes? We don't sing. We don't sing, homes. Any more questions anywhere? Yes?

{SPEAKER name="From Audience"}
Excuse me.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Line sisters? Is that a term used at, uh, at Maryland Eastern Shore? I saw your shirt. Maybe you could come up. Maybe you- come on.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Yes, go bring her out. Bring her up. [inaudible shouts from audience] Alright, let's give her a hand here.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Yes. Yes.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
Line sisters.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Line sisters? Explain what you mean by line sisters. So everyone will know.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
Um, like the Sigmas have Zetas, which are line sisters.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Ok. Just turn that up. [laughter] Um, as far as a sister group like the Phi Beta Sigmas, the guys in a Greek fraternity, their sisters would be Zeta Phi Beta and I'm not sure exactly of the others.

Maybe Alpha Phi Alpha has the AKs. Are the AKs your sisters? And maybe the Omega Psi Phis would be Delta Sigma Theta, right? Ok. Swing Phi Swing is a, is a, is our uh, that was the name of our sister organization, um, right now they're just Swing Incorporated and the actual spelling of the word Swing would uh, would, would give away the meaning right there. Sisters With Interest in Groove. So yes we do have our sister group also. You're welcome.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Alright, thank you. Do we have any other questions? He has one right here.

{SPEAKER name="From Audience"}
Do you have any hand motions or signs or symbols that mean something when you do all this?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Uh, hand motions when we're stepping? We, we do have various hand motions when we step, uh, we point at people a lot, we elbow people a lot, uh, not a lot but I mean that's just one example. Um