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Transcription: [00:36:55]

{SPEAKER name="Glen"}
I- I'll get to you in a minute [chuckles] uh th-th-there are there are hand symbols, yes, but uh for the most part we just we just like to like to establish the rhythm with with whatever we do first and then any any pointing or anything that comes out of it would you know, would just be extra.


{SPEAKER name="Joe"}

{SPEAKER name="Glenn"}
In the back.

[[background voice]]


{SPEAKER name="Joe"}

Do we have any philosophies? or what?

[[background voice]]


{SPEAKER name="Joe"}
Ok Glen.


{SPEAKER name="Glenn"}
I can see um I'm gonna have to go in the back again.

[[background talking]]


[[background talking]]


{SPEAKER name="Woman"}

Is there any philosophies that you go by?

{SPEAKER name="Glenn"}
Ok. Oh yeah, ok. Alright the question was do we have any philosophies that we go by as a fellowship besides dancing? Yes, Joe?

[[background talking]]


{SPEAKER name="Joe"}
Um, we have various philosophies that we instill within the members as they come into the organization. Um most of them generally have to deal with brotherhood.


{SPEAKER name="Joe"}
We do various things within the pledge, process to get these - the members, very close to each other. We instill a philosophy of unity, of independence alright.


{SPEAKER name="Joe"}
But also accepting each member as they are, ok.


{SPEAKER name="Joe"}
As far as the organization, we have decided to stay a non-Greek organization because for various reasons um and we you know we like the idea.

{SPEAKER name="Joe"}
Our organization was founded by 14 black members in 1962. And what they had decided to get away from the traditional greek system and establish a system that would be, with aligned with the current times in the sixties. And thats how groove got into being. Groove is now one of the largest fellowships, THE largest fellowship in the United States and we're spread out pretty much between Boston all the way out, as far as Texas. And um, we're doing pretty good.
