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Transcription: [00:40:52]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
uh, the breakdancers can pick up somewhere
because, because they can feel the uh, sense of rhythm and
make the note, make their own beat
it may be unique to what, to what they feel
and umm, you know, which is good, because because
that's what it's all about,
everybody having their own unique rhythm
and just expressing themselves that way
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Ok, there's also not only the movement of the feet
and the rhythm of the hands and so forth
but there's a, there's some chants,
there's some verbal part to it too.
Umm, umm, is there any signifying,
is there any any uh, any uh, verbal contest going on here?
I mean you all, all this is going on at once
but who you all talking about, or talking to or something
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
{SPEAKER name="Carlton"}
Ok, well, when we're stepping we're usually talking
about other organizations, such as umm,
I call them non-fellowships because
they're not fellowships like we are but
they're really fraternities, sororities,
umm, to the sororities we always have something nice to say about the women,
and about the men we usually don't have too many nice things to say.
But umm,
It's just a game, a little game while everybody does their own type of dance
you could call it
and umm, it just, we compete to see who's the best.
I think we are. That's why we're here in Philly, I mean DC.
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
This is a form of competition - you know,
you play football, you play it under different rules
you step, you step under different rules
you know, uh, in stepping, stepping is a, a non-contact sport
alright, so in stepping, you, you have, you have to use verbal,
verbal communication
it's it's just, just along the same lines as football.
Football, you tackle him
in basketball, you put the ball in the hoop
stepping - you, you, you step
you make a rhythm,
and and you chant certain things
to uh, uh, to compete with the other groups,
and it's really competition for uh, crowd response
So uh there may be some antics going on
uh during, during the show
which may, which may get the crowd really involved
and get them chanting
and, and clapping, and that's really what you want,
you want the crowd to get
I mean to participate it what you're doing.
As you'll see over at uh, at uh, 3:15 today,
over on the other tent you'll see