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Transcription: [00:15:02]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Well we needed a drummer and who better to ask
was my son, Billy, to play drums for us. But, now, he didn't really want to, because we didn't have a bass player.
He said, "If you get a bass player I'll play the drums." So we were blessed
and we got a bass player who is, unfortunately, not with us today, but we got a bass player.
And then Billy started playing drums. And he's been with us ever since.
And, of course, he is the husband of Lisa, and they are the proud parents of now, BJ, who is Billy Junior, and he's 14 months old.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Well, I have a habit of taking and making musicians, and helping them get started,
and sending 'em out, and, uh -- (laughs) -- and, uh, we had a musician,
a young man who was my godson, and who still is my godson,
but he's married now, and of course, he can't devote his time to ultrasound, and so we got the opportunity
to come and be in this festival, and I could think of no other person to give this opportunity to.
Then, and he is like my godson, really, and he says, "unfortunately" -- (laughs) --
someone said to him yesterday, "She looks like she's gonna hit you." He said, "Yeah, and she will, too."
Um, but, this young man, I'm grateful to God for, because he's God's gift,
God has given him a God-given talent. And I tell you, um, I enjoy working with David.
Simply because he can keep you cracking up, you know, when you feel kind of low, in spirits, and that kind of thing,
David comes along and he has something to make you laugh and forget all about your problems.
And I tell you, he's very good for the group. And, uh, he has his own group and
we're not going to take him from 'em, although I wish I could keep him around. But -- he says "I can't do that" -- but we're grateful
he could make it to this festival with us, and that's David Winslow.