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Transcription: [00:17:29]

{SPEAKER name="Bill Wiggins"}
And now you know how Ultrasound is coming to being, but I think these young ladies are also very very very talented.

I think that for those of you who have not heard them when they do perform, they perform much of their own material,
and who is it that I know yesterday that was at least one song that was performed that was written by a member of the group. What was the song? Does anybody--

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Lisa song
{SPEAKER name="Arlene Mills"}
Lisa song Lisa tell about your song
{SPEAKER name="Bill Wiggins"}
Tell us about your song Lisa
{SPEAKER name="Arlene Mills"}
Tell us about your song

{SPEAKER name="Bill Wiggins"}
She had the lead solo and then also-- yeah she wrote it
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 3"}
She wrote-- [[Cross talk]]
{SPEAKER name="Bill Wiggins"}
That's what I'm saying. Yeah
{SPEAKER name="Arlene Mills"}

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Speaks"}
I was raised in the church, but, I don't wanna knock any denomination but I was raised in a reformed Episcopal church. And we were just taught you know, you read your bible, and you come to Sunday school and you go home and you're finished.

{SPEAKER name="Lisa Speaks"}
Yeah, and you come on Sunday and you do it all over again, you go home and you're finished. And one day I was watching a religious program on TV, and they were talking about healing, and how the Lord did this and that, and I turned it off. I said nobody wanna watch that, that's crazy stuff, you know, nothing works likes that.

But then one day, I was watching the show and it dawned on me, people do live like this.
And believe it or not but I wrote the song and it took me about 5 minutes. I sat down and wrote the whole song. You know it, just came to me, that all of a sudden God was real.
You know I had to-- I went to a new church, but you know it dawned on me finally that God wasn't something that you just come to church on Sunday and you read your bible school stories and then you go home.
You know it all of a sudden became real to me and I wrote the words a little bit of it was, I used to worship a god I couldn't feel, I couldn't see him, I couldn't hear him, to me he wasn't real.
And he goes on to explain you know how I did all the things that people tell you supposed to do when you go to church. But you have to learn for yourself that God is real.