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Transcription: [00:26:24]
ELLISON: --Disco tap

{Speaker 2}: Now when you started tap dancing, who would you say were your influences, Ellison.
In terms of people you saw either on, through the media, or in person?

ELLISON: Yeah we used to watch like: Fred Astaire, Bojangles, Shirley Temple.
Learned a few things off 'em like-- [[Tap dances]]


Stuff like that off Bojangles and, um, few more things. [[Tap dances]]


And um, um, we learned something. We we made this up on our own right.
After we started practicing off the TV. Watching what they can do.

This called something we made up. Its called "A Room." Watch closely. [[Tap dances]]
We made this up ourself. [[Tap dances]]


Y'all like that? [[Background talking and claps]]
What I like to say. Y'all heard of LaVaughn of tap dancing right?
LaVaughn that's been over there on, um, American Stage?


{Speaker 2} LaVaughn Robinson, Philadelphia tap dancer,
whose on the main stage here at the festival.


{Ellison} I like to let Y'all know, he showed my brother something.
It's real hard, too. The one foot tap. [[Tap dances]]
You gotta be steady to keep that foot on there. [[Tap dances]] Yeah.


[[Tap dances]] But, we like to let y'all know, we created called the foot tap.
I gotta put the mike down and show y'all this. [[Tap dances]] Thank you.