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Transcription: [00:39:33]
{Speaker 1}: Cause two together will create something that you would never think they can create. Two people together can create a lot of things.

Cause he got something in his mind and he might say, "Hold it! Hold it! I got something. Let me do this one! Let me do this one! Yeah, let's- let me do this style right here."

And I might tell him "Hold it, let me do one."

And then we fit them together and it comes into one thing.

{Speaker 2}: It's also important to watch Ellison and Ritchie and the rest of the family when they're working.

The- there are- there's always one person at the drums or almost always.

There is a line of dancers at the back who are keeping a basic time step.

Then people will emerge from that line to do featured stepping.

So that Desiree or Pineapple as an individual might go forward, do a set of steps

then as she moves back to the line, another dancer will take the forefront.

Or another two will take the forefront and be featured there then.

Are there other questions from the audience?

{Speaker 1}: Yes, sir.


TV, Shirley Temple, Fred Astaire, Bojangles. People like that.

Just always getting up in the morning when we small

like I guess around 4 and when we- as we got older

We just stayed in TV, always looked at TV because we liked the tap dancing

And the way they- Shirley Temple used to go up the step. I couldn't believe that myself.

I could do that right now but we ain't got no step here for me to do it on.

But I learned that from just watching the TV.

Like every Saturday they- they might come on.

And I'm talking about them old movies back in 1930 and before I was born.

But as I got older they were still showing it on TV so I started to keeping [[into it?]],

watching it cause I wanted to tap dance.

I never went to school for it but I learned from just them. Seeing what's on TV.

Cause I could count they feet. I don't gotta go to tap dance school.

If they brrat brrat I could count that.

Because it's like "rrr-one, 2, 3, rrr-one, 2, 3." It's like a brrat brrat.

I could count it with my eyes and mind. I don't gotta go to school for tap dancing and stuff. I'm good enough.

{Speaker 2}: Yes, sir?


{Speaker 1}: Yeah we do a lot of