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Transcription: [00:41:49]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
We don't like bars hanging in bars and stuff, they always call for 60 dollars a week, maybe want us for 2 nights to dance in a bar, but we just don't like bars cause living in the ghetto, it's just too much trouble period.
So we just tell 'em we rather leave that alone, see us when you get something nice and big where as though we be on stage not in front of everybody running up and down a bar where people sittin' at drinking.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
It's real important to note also the versatility of both of these people, in addition to dancing they also do DJ work, Richie does rapping, ah--

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Instruments, we play any instruments--

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Rapping over there with Allison, they play many different instruments. Wide variety of skills.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Yeah, down at 15th street, where the clothes pin at, silver city ghetto, yeah, we make two, three hundred, but the first time we ever went,and I like to say this again, I was 5, and my brother was 6, and my cousin, my oldest cousin, that seen this man juggling fire, he seen this man juggling fire, pitting it out of his mouth, so he figure if he can do that and see people throwing quarters dimes and nickels in, he just came home and told us about it and we went the next day and ever since then, we just picked up, picked up, picked up and we used to make, the first day we went, I never forget this because I was happy, I was happy, we made two hundred and seventy five dollars, and quarters, dimes, nickels and dollar bills too.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Are there other questions from the audience?
You parents, what are, are your parents in the business now?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Oh my uncles and my cousins,toured as [[zada dance?]]. My oldest cousin died he was, he 23 now, he dead in his grave but my uncle that showing us a little bit now, he's 24 and he's showing us some of the stuff that we were just showing y'all he's showing us better ways to do it, then what we do now. A little bit more into it.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Yes, in the back there, yes.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
The question was, do they practice just at rehearsals or do they practice other times as well?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
I like to say this,um, we practice at rehearsals, but anywhere I'm at, I just dance.