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Transcription: [00:17:18]
And create a message and then I end it. Trying to make it rhyme is like you know use the same endings with every word like late, debate, stimulate, captivate, saturate, you got to use the last ending.
and sometimes you don't even have to do that, you could say two words and one sentence with the same word, its just the matter of if you bring your voice up high or low and different tones.
Now there are a lot of different kinds of rap, some people write their raps out in advance others come up with them on the floor, a lot of people do both. How do you all work when you put together a rap?
Well, we most of our rhymes, we you know I be home I write mine and he be home and he write his so we just put them together
And you know we hear something and I know most of his rhymes and he knows most of mines so
we know you know when you're in a group and things and they when you be rhyming
I be like Noah what are you gonna say cause you know we used to rap and everything
Like where is he be saying like he might say a {hip hop a hibidiby hip hop}? and I knew after that he was going to say you don't stop, like that
so, after that I'll just be going right with him.
Another point and uh rap there really is no rules, no kind of limitations to what you could do.
So while you're on stage, as you're on stage you create as you go along
Therefore you gotta graze it out.
So really we're talking about two different forms of artistry in the rap. Talking about first the raps that the writers will go home, write out and prepare.
Memorize those so when behind the microphone at a party, at a club, at a disco, they can come straight out with the raps they have written before. Very self consciously created messages.
On the other hand, there's the rap that comes to you when you're behind the mic the thing that you didn't write down
but because you're familiar with the rhymes and the meter you're able to say and real off literally off the top of your head.
Now there are a number of ways that different raps are defined. Sometimes raps are defined according to tempo.
There are, for example in the community, slow raps, there are speed raps. What we heard earlier Robby B doing was probably best called a general rap.
It's not.. It's not real slow it's not real fast. It's just a mid-ranged rap; a party type of rap, rather than a rap that has a particular sort of message.
Can we get, perhaps, examples of what is the difference between what is a slow and a speed rap to give people an idea there?
MC Caesar, how about a- Explain what a speed rap is and maybe give us an example of that.
A speed rap is taking a lot of rhyming words and just mixing the sentences altogether. When I say mix I mean, like, rub out the sentence, must be all together, and saying those rhyming words back to back and make it make sense.