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Transcription: [00:32:04]
{SPEAKER name="Spoons"}
Oh then I tell you the burden has ripped from my heart because brothers I have none and a sister who died at childbirth and now mother haves only one.

But I never will forget that day. For it's rooted within my heart the dyin' day of ever days and the birthday of our God.

{SPEAKER name="Spoons"}
Thank you
{SPEAKER name="Moderator"}
Spoons has performed for us three recitations or monologues the middle one of which "This is my Birthplace" he also performs as a song which he sings or chants really to a rhythm created by beating on a percussive instrument usually a jug.
{SPEAKER name="Moderator"}
Are there any questions from members of the audience to Spoons about how he composes the pieces, where he performs, how long he has been working with them anything of this sort? Yes, ma'am?
{SPEAKER name="Spoons"}
No ma'am.
{SPEAKER name="Moderator"}
A literary agent, let's hear it.

{SPEAKER name="Spoons"}
Yes, ma'am. [Inaudible] Thank you, thank you very much.
{SPEAKER name="Moderator"}
Are there other questions from the audience? Oh come on, ya'll didn't learn all that much, you gotta have some kind of questions. Yes?

{SPEAKER name="Moderator"}
Ok, the question was whether or not the poems are performed on the street and whether or not they're accompanied by music.

{SPEAKER name="Spoons"}
Yes ma'am, they are performed--