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Transcription: [The Play Girls][International Playgirls]
Hey, listen, listen, listen. Listen up. Listen. Listen. Listen up. Listen, listen, listen up. Everybody listen, listen, listen up. Life in the city is very hard and you better watch your kittens they might get hit by a car. Your next door neighbor might be a crook. You say hi to a car but get a dirty look. Your take your life in your hands just walking the streets but tryna hustle just to make ends meet. The jobs are scarce and the paying ain’t good and it affects our cities neighborhoods. City life, you’ve gotta stay on your toes. City life, they'll take your gazelles and gold. City life, it's so bad, you can say it’s a pity. City life, life's tough living in the city.

The importance of writing a rap like that or having it written before you actually go onto the floor is clear you do the unison rapping as The Play Girls just did and that allows them to move from one voice to the other, switching, so could start the line and the other can finish it. Now, the message rap gives a certain type of message about social conditions. There are other forms of rap also, that are also defined by their content. Some of them would be called things like party raps or simply hip hop raps. MCCs how do those raps differ from the message raps?

[MC Ceaser]
Well those are the types of raps that get the party jumping and it makes the people, you know, embrace the party a lot. And started from when the DJ uh just a spin and the parties used to be dry because no one really get into the mood and groove at the party. But he just took, he just took um MCs and they would announce the DJ to bring a boy and then it kept the party jumping, so they kept it. They kept it around.

Now, can we get a reverb on MC Casear's beatbox here. And we’ll ask Robbie B to perform a bit of one of these other raps for us?

Transcription Notes:
[00:26:01] ........... You take your life in your hands just walking the streets cause everybody's tryna hustle to make end meet. You see jobs are scarce ..... [00:26:49] ..... onto the floor is real clear when you do the unison rapping as The Play Girls just did and that also allows them to move from one voice to the other, switching voice, so that one could start a line and the other can finish it.