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Transcription: [00:15:04]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
--didn't want to accept it, there was a major battle there. In terms of individual publication there's always been censorship of toasts; there still is censorship of toasts. You have collections of black poetry, where you have very very modified versions of toasts appearing, uh. From Langston Hughes for example in his--in some of his great collections of poetry, often prints toast, which are heavily expurgated. Actually they're not expurgated they're bowdlerized. There's different words put in, for the profane words so the entire spirit of the toast is gone. You can get an idea of the narrative and the themes, but you don't know what was said.


[[Background Noise]]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
True True. Right.

{SPEAKER name="Spoons"}[Horace Spoons Williams]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Okay. We--we've only got really time for one more question because we're running to the next workshop, which is a workshop on rapping. Just curre--yes sir?


[[Background Voice]]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}


[[Background Voice]]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Who's currently working on his publication? We are. [[Laughter]] No not the Smithsonian. Uhh, who? Spoons, myself, and some other people in Philadelphia. We're trying to get the stuff out, trying to put it together, we--we're in the process right now of getting a lot of the pieces copy written. And so that's step one. I'd like to thank you all for being a good audience, and ask you to please just sit here; continue to sit as we go into another form of vernacular poetry, which is real closely related to the toasted poems that of rapping. Firstly however before we switch the stage I'd like to ask for one more hand for Horace "Spoons" Williams.


{SPEAKER name="Spoons"}
Thank you, thank you very much.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 2"}
Now, may I just say one thing, please? I would like the audience to give themselves a hand for being so generous, for being so lovely. [[??]] there you go. Thank you very much.


Transcription Notes:
Name for Speaker 1 is needed.