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Transcription: [00:45:26]
{SPEAKER name="Willie"}
That's a--that's dumb thing--that's a little rope, dividin' ye.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
The uh, a question we often get on the stage when we discuss this, has to do with the use of cork.

Now, clearly, when the whites did Minstrel shows, they were mocking Black performance forms,

and they were doing so by putting burnt cork on their faces and hands to darken their skin.

In the black community, the performance tradition that extended, I guess well into the 1940s, probably, also called--


{SPEAKER name="Willie"}
Oh yeah, to the early 50s, some of it.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
also called for the use of cork; though it was black performers showing, at least on the Minstrel stage to all-black audiences, the cork was still used.

Willy, could you talk a little bit about that? First, maybe why it was done, and then -- how it was that it came to change?

{SPEAKER name="Willie"}
Well I can't tell you exactly how it was done, but it was a tradition we saw other people do it

and when we started the show, we had -- we did that to start the show off.

You know, start off having our own show, because it was owned by somebody else before, and they, and uh, a lot of people don't know even uh, that the white show was black -- was white people.

How many here know that Amos and Andy was white?


{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
This is the Amos and Andy Radio Team

{SPEAKER name="Willie"}
A lot of people didn't know it.

Amos and Andy was white. The two black crows was white.

But now, Amos and Andy's show after television, they turned it back over to us because uh --

they couldn't show it on television like that, and they had so many squa [[sqabbles]] --.

They had made enough money. They was millionaires, that's why, and they gave it back to us.

But they had made their money mocking us all the time,

and a lot of people didn't know; I didn't know it till' last week, that so many people didn't know that they wasn't-- they was white.

I thought everybody knew they was white. So many people told me they didn't know it. They thought they was always colored, but they wasn't.

So, so that's why we used the makeup, I used the makeup. I used the makeup; put a big lip on and everything,

and uh-- in the early 50s, uh-- late 40s, they start to gettin' away from it.

Nobody -- You didn't have to -- Why should you black up to be yourself?

Didn't have to black up to be yourself. So I stopped blackin' up. I still went to -- still kept putting the big lips on to make my mouth wider,

and I was workin' with a lady, and she said to me "Why you make your mouth wider?" I told her. She say "Your lips big enough without that then."

Transcription Notes:
The first person we hear is Willie. On all other tapes of his interview, I have put "Willie", not "Speaker 2". The moderator in all the tapes is Speaker 1, concerning Willie's interview. Don't know his name.