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been maintained in good condition, but no attempt was made to enlarge the exhibition series, although we now have the means of greatly improving its character and appearance through recent accessions to the department.

While giving almost all his time to the business of the Fish Commission, by retaining his office and work rooms at the Museum, the curator has found it possible to exercise general supervision over the collections in his care. His investigations, however, have related chiefly to subjects have a more or less direct bearing upon practical problems before the commission, and have had little reference to the Museum collections. There is, consequently, but slight progress to report either in the classification of specimens and the enlargement of the study series or in the selection of duplicates for exchange. Prof. A. E. Verrill has continued to administer upon the Fish Commission collections at Yale College, which are in the custody of the Museum.

Very extensive and important natural history results were accomplished by the Fish Commission