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Routine Work.

As elsewhere explained, the Curator and his two assistants were at Wood's Holl, Mass., from early in July until the first part of October, but although the work there in hand was connected directly with the investigations of the Fish Commission, it consisted in large part of the assorting and preservation of collections which in the autumn were transferred to the custody of the National Museum. Mr. A. H. Baldwin who had been employed in the Department during the previous two years, resigned his position in October, and for the remainder of the year the Curator was assisted only by Miss M. J. Rathbun. Being obliged to give nearly all of his time to Fish Commission duties, the Curator has but little progress to records either in the arrangement and classification of the collections or in the enlargement of the exhibition series. The current work was, however, promptly attended to, and all collections received were assorted, catalogued, and properly cared for. The extensive alterations in the connection with the fire-proofing of a part of the