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Statement of the amount of cataloguing done 
during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1888.

[[4 column table]]

  | Entries to June 30, 1887 | Entries to June 30, 1888 | Number of entries made during year.

Crustacea.          | 12606 | 13110   |  504

Worms.              |  3963 |  4173   |  210

Bryozoa             | { 959 |   960 } |  
and                 |       |         |   50
and Ascidia         | {2500 |  2549 } | 

Echinoderms and  }  |  
and              }  | 16183 | 16409   |  226
Coelenterates.   }  |

Sponges and         | {5431 |  5444 } |
and                 |       |         |   31
Protozoa.           | {4955 |  4973 } |
Total               |       |         | 1021