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While at Wood's Holl, during the summer of 1887, the curator continued his studies upon the crustacean parasites of the fishes of that region, completing the descriptions and drawings of several species which have been submitted for publication in the Proceedings of the Museum. Reports upon the genus Heliaster of starfishes, and the genera Porites and Synaraea, of corals, have been finished and published during the year. The curator has also found time to examine and report upon the interesting collection of surface towings made by the Fish Commission schooner Grampus during the spring of 1887, on the early mackerel grounds. The study of this material, which consists for the most part of very small organisms, belonging to several groups of invertebrates, and constituting the food of the mackerel, was considered to be of considerable importance, as changes in its abundance and character from year to year, taken in connection with the changes in temperature, may throw some light on the movements of that important market fish. No general

Transcription Notes:
May be an accent on "Synaraea"