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Museum located at other institutions as in former years. Prof. A. E. Verrill, at Yale College, has continued his studies upon several groups of marine invertebrates from the dredgings of the Fish Commission, on the eastern coast of the United States, and has been assisted by Miss K.J. Bush. Prof. S. I. Smith, also of Yale College, has been at work upon the Crustacea derived from the same source. Prof. Edwin Linton, of Washington and Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, has made rapid progress with his
studies of the [[strikethrough]] Cestod [[strikethrough]] Inematode parasites of fishes, mainly collected by himself at the Wood's Holl station, being assisted in the preparation of his plates by Mrs. Linton. A second large report upon the subject was nearly completed at the close of the year. Prof. Leslie A. Lee's work upon the foraminifera of the Fish Commision has been deferred for a time, in consequence of his acting as chief naturalist of the steamer Albatross during the cruise from Norfolk to San Francisco. Mr. J. Walter Fewkes, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, has continued to report upon the free Medusae collected by the Albatross. 

Transcription Notes:
I believe the word after the strikethrough is "Inematode." However, I am not sure if the first letter in the word is "I."