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cribed. The first or principal series or specimens will then, however, become the property of the Museum, and the expendiency of reporting upon the exploration in this connection seems, therefore, as urgent as before.
The steamer Albatross was prevented, in consequence of the extensive preparations necessary for her cruise to the Pacific Ocean, from engaging in any investigations before the middle of September, and at that time only a single trip was attempted between Chesapeake Bay and Wood's Holl. This trip as also planned practically for the purpose of testing her new boilers, but during the voyage a line of twelve dredgings with the beam trawl was successfully made in depths of 102 to 1276 fathoms, along the outer edge of the submerged continental plateau and the inner part of the Gulf Stream. The collections obtained were landed and examined at Wood's Holl, and in the fall were sent in part to the National Museum, and in part to the Professors Verrill and Smith at Yale College, for further study. After remaining about a month at Wood's Holl to complete repairs, the Albatross returned to