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stations, with depths of 10 to 1019 fathoms, were in the Atlantic Ocean between the West Indies and the eastern entrance to the Straits of Magellan; 15, with depths of 17 to 449 fathoms, were in the Straits of Magellan; and 52, with depths of 5 1/2 to 1379 fathoms, were in the Pacific Ocean between Port Otway and San Francisco.

The Albatross arrived at San Francisco, May 14, and at once began preparations for the Alaskan cruise, on which she sailed July 4. The collections made during the voyage from Norfolk to San Francisco were shipped overland to Washington. They filled over 100 large cases and were received in the very best condition. The fishes, marine invertebrates and algae will be assigned by the Fish Commissioner to several experts for examination and report. The miscellaneous collections, obtained incidentally during the cruise, and containing many specimens of birds, reptiles, insects, plants, ethnology, etc., have been transferred directly to the National Museum. 

The Fish Commission steamer Fish Hawk was at Wood's Holl during a part of the summer, assisting