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Prof. A. E. Verrill was in charge of the laboratory, assisted by Mr. Richard Rathbun, who attended to the routine duties in connection with the administration of the work. The scientific staffin the service of the Commission consisted of Prof. S. I. Smith, of Yale College; Dr. J. H. Kidder, of Washington; Prof. Lesile A. Lee, of Bowdoin College; Prof. Edwin Linton, of Washington and Jefferson College; Mr. Sanderson Smith, of New York; Mr. Thomas Lee, of the steamer Albatross; Mr. B. F. Koons, of the Storrs Agricultural School; Mr. J. H. Blake, of Cambridge, as artist; Mr. Peter Parker, Mr. A. H. Baldwin, and Miss M. J. Rathbun, of Washington; and Miss K. J. Bush and Miss C. E. Bush, assistants of Prof. Verill. The aquaria which
were made an important and valuable feature of the laboratory, were under the management of Mr. William P. Seal. Tables in the laboratory were also occupied by Dr. Osler, of Philadelphia, Mr. Sho Watase, of John Hopkins University, and Mr. Miyabe, of Harvard University.

Mr. Vinal N. Edwards assisted in procuring specimens for the use of the scientific party during