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James E. Benedict  Descriptions of Ten Species and One Genus of Annedlids from the dredgings of the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross.

Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., ix, pp. 547-553, plates 20-25, 1886.

Describes one new genus, Crucigera Ben., of the family Serpulidae, (p. 550), and the following species, all of which are figured: Protula Diomedeae B., sp. nov., off Cape Hatterae, 43 fath. Protula alba B., sp. nov., St. Thomas, W.J. Hydrordes dianthus Ver., Chesapeake Bay. Hydroides spongicola B., sp. nov., Gulf of Mexico, 26 fath. Hydroides protulieola B., sp. nov., off Cape Hatterae, 43 fath. Crueigera Webeteri B., sp. nov., Gulf of Mexico, 26 fath. Pomatostegus stellatus Schmarda, Gamaica and Cusacao. Spirobranchus gigantaus March, St. Thomas and Curacao. Sphiro-